Tense, nervous headaches?
"According to the WHO 80% of their epidemiological data on microwave transmitters show illnesses ranging from microwave sickness to a fourfold increase in cancers." ( B. Trower, Scientific Advisor Radiation Research Trust and H.E.S.E, Oct 2006)

Crystal Palace is a residential area in south London. It's also the highest point, which explains why so many transmitters and masts have been placed here over the past 20 years. Amazingly -and worryingly - no-one knows the extent of local radiation - how much or what type. It's about time we found out!

This is a collaborative arts project, taking place as part of the 'Day of Intimacy' event, which is within the Crystal Palace Artists annual 'Signals' Art Festival

Dave Miller will host two exploratory walks around Crystal Palace, measuring the radiation levels. The story of each mast will be told, along with technical data and known medical effects. Participants will be encouraged to measure radiation levels and draw on maps, to contribute to a collaborative artwork - this will be a poster sized map of local radiation.The intention is to print these and sell them locally. The data collected will be combined later with more detailed measurements into an online application using Google Maps, so that you can zoom in and out of a map of the area and view the radiation levels in detail (Google Maps programming provided by Lisa Haskell).

The aim of this project is to:
1. Map the radiation areas of the Crystal Palace area, with the Triangle as the centre
2. Measure levels near the masts, and near schools
3. Identify which types of radiation are being emitted

Why 'Intimacy'? Because the radiation touches all of us, even though we don't feel or see it. But for this event, we can hear it.
Everyone is invited. The more the merrier!
September 1st.
Meet beforehand at 12:00 midday at the Signals at Croydon Enterprise office: 18, Church Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19. Tel: 0208 090 9183. You'll be escorted by one of the Signals representatives to the start of the walk.

(1) 12:10 - 13:30.
Start at Police station --> Westow Street --> Church road --> past All Saints Primary School --> to junction with Beulah Hill

(2) 13:30 - 15:00.
Back to Police station --> Gipsy Hill --> Paxton Primary School --> Westow Hill --> Crystal Palace Parade --> Church Road.

Here's a rough drawing of the map, the planned routes, and the official transmitter base stations marked. Download an A3 size PDF map of the walking routes from here. Download my script for the event here.
Please contact Dave Miller (dave dot miller dot uk at gmail.com) for more information, or visit the Signals at Croydon Enterprise address: 18, Church Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19. Tel: 0208 090 9183 for info on events.
Please visit the Signals in London website for further announcements and updates. This website will be updated soon with maps showing the planned routes in detail.
The event is being kindly supported by the h.e.s.e. Project and measuring equipment/ technical support is provided by Sensory Perspective. Mobile mast radiation stickers supplied by EMFields and Powerwatch. A special thanks to Nick Clough of Sensory Perspective for his invaluable technical help on the project.